Family Fun Data Collection Study (m/f)

26 dana do isteka
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O poslu

Opis radnog mjesta:
TELUS Digital is seeking participants for a data collection study called Family Fun. In this study, participants will perform easy tasks using a smart home device. You can participate in the study remotely, from the comfort of your own home.
Posebne pogodnosti:

As compensation, you will receive the latest smart home device used in the study and a bonus payment upon completion of the study. As a primary participant (if you do not have an account), please sign up for our AI Community Platform (CMP) as this is required to receive payment which will be made through the TELUS AI Community Payment Portal (Hyperwallet) where you can choose PayPal, bank transfer or wire transfer as your payment method, depending on your country of residence.
Vrsta posla:
honorarni posao / freelance

O zaposleniku

Znanja i kvalifikacije:
Task Requirements:

- The study will last up to 6 weeks, during which time family members will have to interact with the smart home device on a daily basis.
- At least two members per household must register and participate in the study.
- Must be a native speaker of Brazilian Portuguese born in Brazil
- Must be 18 years or older
- Reside in the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Finland or Portugal
Stable Internet connectivity via Wi-Fi
- Participate in a 2-hour guided session
- Interactions with the smart home device can be done while performing other activities such as cooking, eating, watching TV, cleaning, etc. The task takes approximately 10 minutes per day.
Minimalna stručna sprema:
Nesvršen fakultet/viša škola
Strani jezik:
brazilian portuguese
Poznavanje rada na računalu:

Kontakt podaci poslodavca

Naziv poduzeća:
2251 South Decatur Boulevard, 89102 Las Vegas, Nevada
United States of America
Internet adresa:

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