Pregledavate arhivu oglasa objavljenih na
Ovaj oglas je istekao 22.01.2023. i više nije aktivan.
Sadržaj oglasa prikazan je isključivo u informativne svrhe.
Trenutno aktivne oglase pogledajte na
Ovaj oglas je istekao 22.01.2023. i više nije aktivan.
Sadržaj oglasa prikazan je isključivo u informativne svrhe.
Trenutno aktivne oglase pogledajte na
Personal Assistant (m/f)
Oglas je istekao
O poslu
Opis radnog mjesta:
Assistancy for a sales person of an international agriculture trade company. The personal assistant will have to perform the following tasks:
1. Live translation of the salesperson calls with the local (Croatian) clients
2. Reading texts and translating it Croatian/English
3. Other translation tasks
4. Social Media tasks (posts and shares of the company social media presence)
5. Updating the company database with the sales calls details and deals
6. Online research for different requirements of the company in Croatia
7. Asking offers from local suppliers
8. Business trips in Croatia - will be discussed further for the proper candidates
Work from home
Flexible working hours
1. Live translation of the salesperson calls with the local (Croatian) clients
2. Reading texts and translating it Croatian/English
3. Other translation tasks
4. Social Media tasks (posts and shares of the company social media presence)
5. Updating the company database with the sales calls details and deals
6. Online research for different requirements of the company in Croatia
7. Asking offers from local suppliers
8. Business trips in Croatia - will be discussed further for the proper candidates
Work from home
Flexible working hours
Posebne pogodnosti:
Phone and laptop
Vrsta posla:
stalni radni odnos, rad na određeno vrijeme, honorarni posao / freelance, student servis
Sve županije
O zaposleniku
Znanja i kvalifikacije:
Croatian language - Native
English - Fluent - Must
Serbian, Bosnian, Slovenian languages - advantage
Google Drive - Must know how to use Sheets and Docs. Know how to share items
Google Search - Must know
Gmail - Must know
Facebook - Must know
English - Fluent - Must
Serbian, Bosnian, Slovenian languages - advantage
Google Drive - Must know how to use Sheets and Docs. Know how to share items
Google Search - Must know
Gmail - Must know
Facebook - Must know
Minimalna stručna sprema:
Viša škola
Vozačka dozvola:
Poznavanje rada na računalu: