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Ovaj oglas je istekao 11.08.2024. i više nije aktivan.
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Personalized Internet Ads Assessor - Dutch (Spain) - Remote (m/f)

Oglas je istekao
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O poslu

Opis radnog mjesta:
Seeking a freelance project that will allow you to work from home while making a difference in the world of technology? If you are someone who is passionate and enjoys staying ahead of the tech curve this remote position with flexible working hours might be what you are looking for

In this job you will be reviewing online advertisements by rating them on their relevance to the search terms used as well as providing feedback on their language and cultural relevance in order to improve their content, quality and layout. Your ultimate goal will be to contribute towards making internet search and online advertising more relevant and interesting for millions of users, including yourself!
Posebne pogodnosti:
Perks of being a Personalized Internet Ads Assessor:
- Earn extra income working remotely from the comfort of your own home
- Have the freedom to choose your own working hours to suit your own lifestyle
- Be a part of a community and access our well-being initiatives
- Contribute to the development of the AI ecosystem.
- Access to complimentary mental health support benefits like free EAP and access to Mindfulness Apps.
- Dedicated, responsive well-being team
- Proactive well-being education provided each month, as well as quarterly initiatives
Vrsta posla:
honorarni posao / freelance, student servis, sezonski posao

O zaposleniku

Znanja i kvalifikacije:
- You must have familiarity with current and historical business, media, sport, news, social media and cultural affairs in Spain.
- Full professional proficiency in English and Dutch language
- Access to and use of a broadband internet connection and associated computer and software to perform the work, all provided at your own expense
- Experience in use of web browsers to navigate and interact with a variety of content
- Access to and use of an Android (version 4.1 or higher) or IOS Smartphone (version 8 or higher) to complete tasks
- A Barcode Scanner application must be installed on your smartphone to complete certain tasks
- Active daily user of Gmail and other forms of Social Media

No previous professional experience is required to apply, however, working on this project will require you to go through a standard recruitment process (including passing an open book assessment). This is a part time project and your work will be subject to our standard quality assurance checks during the term of this agreement.

Join our team today and start putting your skills to work for one of the world's leading online advertising platforms..
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