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Ovaj oglas je istekao 07.01.2024. i više nije aktivan.
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Sales representative in the meat industry (m/f)

Oglas je istekao
Mjesto rada:
Rok prijave:

O poslu

Opis radnog mjesta:
- Sales management,
- Comprehensive service and building of long-term relationships with customers,
- Participation in the development of the sales strategy,
- Initiating sales support projects,
- Execution of commercial and promotional arrangements,
- Execution of established sales plans,
- Reporting of results, receiving and processing orders,
- Analysis of the market and competition in the subordinate area,
- Taking care of proper display of products and sales support materials.
Posebne pogodnosti:
- Stable employment - contract Commercial Agent Zakłady Mięsne Karol Sp. z o.o. Preferably own business, but employment contract not excluded.
- Terms of remuneration to be determined after willingness to cooperate. We are open to suggestions.
- Motivating remuneration system, dependent on results,
- Work in a rapidly growing company.
Vrsta posla:
stalni radni odnos
Sve županije

O zaposleniku

Znanja i kvalifikacije:
- Professional experience in the meat industry for a minimum of 3 years - prerequisite.
- Consistency and determination to achieve objectives,
- Own means of transport to move around, get to customers.
- Communication language English, Polish is welcome.
- Highly developed negotiation, presentation and communication skills,
- Knowledge of the meat industry is a prerequisite for recruitment.
- Self-discipline, good organisation of work,
- Minimum secondary education,
- Results-oriented, responsible and efficient,
- Active driving licence and readiness to work in the field.

Please apply via e-mail: or the application link below.
Minimalna stručna sprema:
Osnovna škola
Strani jezik:
Vozačka dozvola:
Poznavanje rada na računalu:
Potrebno radno iskustvo:
tri godine